Transformations in Khanacademy – Math

Currently, Math is one of my most favorite essential of all. But it’s also a bit complicated too. At the first 25 minutes of class, we would start by receiving a mini lesson from our math teacher. This is a time period where I’ll be staying focus as this time period will help me to influence in my learning for the last period of class. In Liger, my math class is somehow a bit different from a normal math class I have had. Beside having our teacher talking with his textbook and whiteboard all the time, we’re also using an internet resource as well, which called “Khan Academy.” Currently, I’m working on a course called “Transformations.” It’s an online course that had played an important role in influence my understanding about this lesson. Looking back to what I had done, I can see a huge progress I made in math. It took be a really short time to do this much work on this course. But, this lesson is still a bit confusing to me though. However, I will commit to myself to put in a lot more work in the sight of improving my ability on math. I strongly believe that by doing a lot of practice, I will soon become a stronger math student and get into the level where I’ll be prepared for the real SAT.

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