One morning I Woke up

This story was written by more than one person. In class, we rotate around and try to continue the story from one person to another. It kind of weird.
So please enjoy reading this,

One Morning I Woke Up

One morning I woke up, and to my surprise, I was smaller than a mango leaf with fairy clothes and wings. I was standing on the bed that has a lot of magical material around me. I saw one box that in front of me and when I opened it I saw a lot of crocodile eggs. Five minutes later the egg had hatched but it wasn’t aggressive at all. It was a strange crocodile I ever seen with gray eyes, yellow tongue and the tiny wings but there was a snake that came out of nowhere just ate the crocodile in one second. I got so mad at the snake I took a sword and killed it I got surprised when there were five colorful butterflies came out from the snake and suddenly the snake disappears. After the snake disappear the lion came and wanted to play basketball with me. And then I asked, “do you have a basketball ”. “Yes!” the tiger replied. So we had fun together. After 5 minutes later the sky changed to a beautiful castle that has a stair for me to walk up to where I said to the tiger “do you want to go with me?” then the tiger said “sure! why not!”. Then we walk into that magical castle. At the moment the light comes around me as I arrived the middle of the castle. Then I change into normal size person! Then the light guides me back to my house in only a minute. Then I live happily with my family ever after.

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